• What I do

    Certified sworn translation Luxembourg

    Certified/sworn translations

    Birth certificates, diplomas, criminal records, mariage certificates...

    Official lists of sworn translators where you can find me:

    A certified/sworn translation is a translation done by an experienced translator who was appointed by the Ministry of Justice and is registered on the official list of sworn translators and interpreters held by the Ministry.

    A certified translation bears the signature and the seal of the translator who certifies that the translation is accurate.

    Certified translations are recognized as official documents by government authorities and courts.

    Translation Luxembourg


    General texts, informative and tourist brochures...

    Make your texts understood into a different language!

    By entrusting your translations to an experienced translator, holding qualifications in translation, you have the guarantee that your documents will be translated accurately and will be understood by the others.

    Proofreading Luxembourg


    Texts, master thesis, articles...

    I have a look at your texts, websites or articles in order to find and correct mistakes (spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting...) before the final document is printed/published.

    Artistic translation Luxembourg


    Videos, subtitles, art performances...

    Go international with your pieces of art and performances!

    New technology translation Luxembourg

    New technology

    Website, App, blog, social networks...

    Do you want to have a multilingual web site? Do you need to publish a post into another language? Do you have an App and want to have it in different languages?

  • About me

    I am a native Spanish and Catalan speaker with more than 10 years of experience as a translator.


    I hold a four-year degree in Translation with language combinations from English and French into Catalan and Spanish, and viceversa. I am also certified sworn translator Spanish<>Catalan<>English by the General Directorate for Language Policy in Catalonia (Spain) and Spanish/Catalan/English<>French by The Court of Justice of Luxembourg.


    I have collaborated in terminology and neology research projects for the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona (Spain) and I am a perfectionist when it comes to proofreading and formatting.


    My clients are varied and I adapt to all of them effectively. From individuals who need a certified/sworn translation of an official document, to associations, enterprises and event organizers for other general or specialized translations.


    I am currently based in Luxembourg, but my spirit and my work are international.

  • They talk about me

    "Contacté a Sara con el fin de recibir una traducción jurada del español al francés. El nivel de atención que recibí fue realmente admirable. Una comunicación clara y constante, acompañada de un trabajo profesional, rápido y eficaz. Su nivel de conocimiento y la calidad de su trabajo fueron sobresalientes." Santiago


    "Sara has translated for us from Spanish to French a number of documents required for our marriage in Luxembourg. Her translation was precise and complete. She has respected all the deadlines we agreed and she was always very kind with us on the phone as well as when we met her. I would advise my best friends to contact her if they would need this type of services." Luca


    "Sara's work is impeccable. She was able to deliver the translations very fast and she even sent them to me to Germany! I highly recommend her." Ana Cecilia (certified translation of a birth certificate and a university diploma from Spanish into English)


    Sara’s proofreading of my PhD thesis was perfect. She was available for any corrections and suggestions all time. Her corrections and recommendations improved the level of the manuscript.” Pablo (English proofreading of a PhD thesis)


    "I found myself in the urgent need of a sworn translation for a birth certificate written in Spanish during the peak of the summer holiday season. I was really short of options, until a good friend introduced me to Sara. A godsend! " Luigi


    "Muy buen trabajo. Rápida y eficiente. No dudaremos en contratar sus servicios en futuros proyectos." Cane (translation from Spanish into English and French of the advertising material for the performance 'Mud Gallery - Animales de Hermosa Piel')